@misc{Rej_Jakub_Gry, author={Rej, Jakub}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article is an analysis of words plays in selected press titles. The work uses titles of weekly opinion-forming newspapers such as "Wprost", "Newsweek", "Do Rzeczy", "Gazeta Polska", "wSieci". The research material (more than a hundred covers from 2000-2021) was analyzed in a descending hierarchy i.e. from the smallest unit to elaborate word structures.}, abstract={The analysis includes the occurrence of language games in the following forms: word modifications (e.g. homonymy neosemantization metaphor); semantic modifications of abbreviations; modifications of the word compound (including linguistic transformations); intertextuality and multimodality. It was then observed that the most frequent form of language games is intertextuality and the least frequent is semantic modification of abbreviations. Despite the fact that words plays have been studied by linguists for years they are still an attractive research material. Polish language in social communication is constantly changing and enriching which can give rise to completely new forms of words plays.}, title={Gry językowe w tytułach prasowych = Language games in press titles}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tytuły, gry językowe, multimodalność, intertekstualność, titles, language games, multimodality, intertextuality}, }