@misc{Stawecki_Karol_Język, author={Stawecki, Karol}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper touches upon the timely topic of the Black Pill community, which can be encountered on the internet page called Wykop.pl. One can observe that the Polish Internet users who contribute to the creation of Black Pill sociolect are strongly inspired by the vocabulary of the culture of the United States, where the Black Pill ideology stems from.}, abstract={The "information bubble", which has been created by the aforementioned users, is exceedingly aimed at women, especially Polish women. The amount of members of the Black Pill community is constantly growing and the borrowings and coinages used by them start to permeate Polish popular culture. Every year, different phrases or words from this sociolect are selected by young Poles and voted for in the Youth Word of the Year poll organized by Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.}, title={Język w socjolekcie społeczności Black Pillu na portalu Wykop.pl = Language in the sociolect of the Black Pill community on Wykop.pl}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={socjolekt, Black Pill, Wykop, bańka informacyjna, sociolect, information bubble}, }