@misc{Maniarski_Robert_Repetitive, author={Maniarski, Robert and Paszke, Wojciech (1975- ) and Rogers, Eric and Tao, Hongfeng}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper uses linear matrix inequality techniques and the Kalman-Yakubovich- Popov lemma to design an iterative learning control law for a class of batch processes with state delays. The design procedure is based on the stability theory for repetitive processes, a class of 2D systems. A numerical example illustrates the new design and demonstrates that the design has advantages compared to the existing alternatives.}, title={Repetitive process based design of PD-type iterative learning control laws for batch processes with time-delays}, type={artykuł}, keywords={batch processes, iterative learning control, linear matrix inequalities, repetitive processes, systems with delays}, }