@misc{Wojciechowska_Ludwika_Motywy, author={Wojciechowska, Ludwika and Kasperek, Dorota Katarzyna and Olszewska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study was to find out the relationship between the motives for tattooing and emotional, personality and social well-being in groups of people with and without physical disabilities. A positive relationship between the three types of tattooing motives and the three dimensions of mental well-being was expected both in the group of people with physical disabilities and in the group without disabilities. The second objective was to find out the differences between the study groups in terms of the intensity of tattooing motives.}, abstract={A higher intensity of social motives and self-exposure motives was expected in the group of people with physical disabilities than in the group of people without disabilities. A group of 113 people was examined, including 44 with physical disabilities and 67 without physical disabilities. A positive relationship was established between the motives for tattooing and psychological well-being, but in the group of people with disabilities it concerned only the aspects of emotional and personality well-being. On the other hand, in the group without disabilities, the positive relationship concerned only the aspects of emotional and social well-being. In addition, it was found that in the group of people with mobility disabilities there is a greater intensity of all the examined tattooing motives than in the group of people without disabilities.}, title={Motywy tatuowania się osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchową a ich dobrostan psychiczny = Motives for tattooing people with physical disabilities and their mental well-being}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={motywy robienia tatuaży, dobre samopoczucie psychiczne, osoby z niepełnosprawnością fizyczną, motives for tattooing, mental well-being, people with physical disabilities}, }