@misc{Adamczyk_Janusz_Wykorzystanie, author={Adamczyk, Janusz}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={The necessity to pursue the dynamic development of the construction industry for social reasons, as well as the fact that building new objects, using them and liquidating play a crucial part in increasing the ecological hazards, became a stimulus for searching new assessment instruments measuring the influence of this activity area on the environment in a complex way.}, abstract={In the following dissertation a detached house of a typical design solution was subjected to a multicriterial assessment.}, abstract={In the theoretical part of the thesis the influence of building objects on the environment was highlighted and the construction sector was remarked to consume 40% of the produced energy, being, therefore, responsible for the high carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. The notion and features of balanced construction industry were discussed, which should pursue minimizing the consumption of energy and natural resources together with the possibly lowest environment burden.}, abstract={In the empirical part of the thesis ecological balances (Life Cycle Assessment) for all the building existence phases were conducted - from the materials and building articles production phase to the building utilization phase - with the use of numerical methods of the Dutch computer programme SimaPro 5.1. The economic - environmental accounting method was elaborated for an external partition, which is the building element of the greatest percentage share in the whole construction of a detached house.}, title={Wykorzystanie LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) do oceny środowiskowej budynku}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, keywords={ocena cyklu życia (istnienia), rozrachunek ekonomiczno-środowiskowy, oddziaływanie budynku na środowisko, budownictwo, budownictwo zrównoważone}, }