@misc{Białas-Heltowski_Krzysztof_Wyznaczanie, author={Białas-Heltowski, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={In order to meet high demands concerning products methods of multiobjective optimization are used. It results in a set of compromise solutions.}, abstract={Because decision variables are stochastic by nature, technical realization of optimal solutions is not possible. There is a desire of analysis of behavior of objective functions in the neighborhood of optimal solution. The acquired knowledge is used in selection of the final solution and in the tolerance allocation process.}, abstract={In the consequence of review of literature stood clear, that there is a need of finding of compromise solutions and simultaneously investigation of reaction of objective functions on changes in values of decision variables, which are caused by manufacturing errors.}, abstract={The goal of dissertation is creating of method of finding of Pareto-optimal solutions and their evaluation in design of components and machine assemblies.}, abstract={Characteristic feature of each stage of the method is graphical presentation of results. Delivering of graphical tools to designer is a way of supporting and improving of a design process as well as increasing the efficiency of undertaken decisions.}, abstract={The method was applied on 2 technical systems: multiple brake, effects were shown briefly; gear transmission, results were shown in detail and compared with result from literature.}, title={Wyznaczanie i ocena rozwiązań polioptymalnych na przykładzie wybranego układu technicznego}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, keywords={projektowanie wspomagane komputerowo, podejmowanie decyzji, optymalizacja wielokryterialna, analiza skupień, planowanie eksperymentu, powierzchnie odpowiedzi, analiza wrażliwości, algorytm genetyczny}, }