@misc{Wiśniowski_Aleksander_Głos, author={Wiśniowski, Aleksander}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The compositional and thematic structure of a court speech is not fixed normatively. The basic structural pattern can be limited to two obligatory elements: the act of addressing the court and a lawyer`s application for a final settlement.}, abstract={A typical model of a court speech consists of three components: introduction, logical-argumentative part (presentation of evidence - narration - argumentation) and conclusion (application for relief).}, abstract={The examination of evidence carried out by a defense attorney is intended to make it possible to interpret the facts in such a way as to propose a final conclusion that is favourable to the accused.}, type={rozdział w książce}, title={Głos końcowy w postępowaniu karnym - struktura tekstu = Closing speech in criminal proceedings: The structure of a text}, keywords={przemówienie sądowe, juryslingwistyka, genologia lingwistyczna, struktura tekstu, court speech, legilinguistics, linguistic genology, text structure}, }