@misc{Kokoszka_Wanda_Measurement, author={Kokoszka, Wanda and Ochab, Piotr and Gardzińska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Sheet piling is commonly used in various areas of special construction. Embedded in the ground before carrying out excavation works, sheet piling constitutes an enclosure and protection for the designed excavation. It is a temporary enclosure and protection for excavations made for communication structures, launch shafts built for microtunnel construction, etc.}, abstract={In order to assess the quality of the engineering works related to the construction of sheet piling, measurements were made of straightness and verticality of the sheet piling used for the technological chambers. The measurements concerned two technological chambers of 7.2 and 6.4 m height.}, abstract={Inventory measurements were made using a total station of `` accuracy and a leveling staff with the appliance of the socalled projection method. The two technological chambers were built in the investment area called "Infrastructure construction for rainwater drainage, water supply and sanitary sewage collection from the John Paul II International Airport Kraków-Balice".}, type={artykuł}, title={Measurement of straightness and verticality of sheet piling}, keywords={special construction, technological chamber, sheet piling, measurement of straightness, verticality measurement, accuracy analysis, konstrukcja specjalna, komora technologiczna, ścianki szczelne, pomiar prostoliniowości, pomiar pionowości, analiza dokładności}, }