@misc{Przyklenk_Joanna_O, author={Przyklenk, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article dedicated to Stanisław Borawski refers to the "community", the key notion in the academic works of Professor (in his historiosophy i.e. "communicative community"; in his metascientific approach i.e. the community of language historians and integrated, multidisciplinary academic community). The author focuses on the word and concept of "community" that is presented with the use of IT tools, such as ChronoPress and the National Corpus of Polish with the search engine PELCRA. Especially two periods 1945-1954 and 1992-2010 were compared.}, abstract={The analyses were motivated by two goals. First aim was to present the temporally defined frequency of studied word and its typical collocations. The etymological context was also taken into consideration. The second aim was to show the ongoing integration of humanities and IT studies.}, type={artykuł}, title={O "wspólnocie" w najnowszej historii polszczyzny = About "community" in the Modern history of the polish Language}, keywords={Borawski, Stanisław (1948-2024), historia języka, wspólnota, humanistyka cyfrowa, historical linguistic, community, digital humanities}, }