Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
Group publication title:
Subject and Keywords:
kościół polskokatolicki ; kościół katolicki ; stosunki państwo-kościół ; Polityka wyznaniowa ; Polska - historia - od 1944 r.
The Stalinist repression policy towards minority denominations was aimed at their ultimate obliteration. Although it was stopped in October'56, the resulting state-dependence of some of the Churches - including the Polish Catholic - continued.While most Churches quietly acquiesced in having to join the state's propaganda work, often against the Roman Catholics, the Polish Catholic Church under bishop Maksymilian Rode became a choice weapon in fighting the Roman Catholic Church. ; In 1959 the state began to reward the Polish Catholic clergy with regular salaries, permissions to erect new churches and other property and to take over the formerly Evangelical estate, and with subsidies for the publication of the Church's periodical, "Posłannictwo" ("The Mission"). ; The state's party authorities and their security force's another ploy was to instigate "parish rebellions" in the Roman Catholic parishes. The Polish Catholic Church's role was then to embrace and protect the "mutineers". A rebellious parish was first given a temporary name of an Independent Autonomic Roman Catholic Parish, before it finally joined the Polish Catholic Church. ; In this way, the latter steered clear of being accused of "stealing" believers from among the Roman Catholics and gained profits not only in the form of specific numbers of converts but also through a kind of propaganda effect: an IARCP, by its decision to join the Polish Catholic Church, made a "conscious, mature choice" and showed the direction for all those Roman Catholics, who valued "autonomy'' and "independence". The authorities' part was to control the developments in a clever way so that the members of an independent parish should think that joining the Polish Catholic Church was their own idea. ; This paper presents documents concerning the 1963-1968 IARCP in Gądków Wielki (in the state oflubuskie, formerly: zielonogórskie) which show that the conflicts and rebellions did not always go according to the above-described scenario.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Resource Type:
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego