Object structure


Świder, Małgorzata


Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.


Opinie publiczne, pogłoski i zachowania społeczne na Śląsku Opolskim w latach 1945-1947 w świetle sprawozdań i serwisów poufnych Ministerstwa Ziem Odzyskanych i Ministerstwa Informacji i Propagandy = Public opinions, rumours and social behaviour in Opolian Silesia from 1945-1947 in the light of reports and confidential services of the Ministry of Regained Territories and the Ministry of Information and Propaganda

Group publication title:

Studia Zachodnie, 14

Subject and Keywords:

Śląsk Opolski ; Ziemie Zachodnie i Północne ; zachowania społeczne ; historia ; po 1944 r.


Zaproponowany tekst omawia sytuację społeczno-polityczną na terenach Śląska Opolskiego w latach 1945-1947, uwzględniając zachowania w sferze publicznej, istniejące pogłoski i opinie. Podstawą niniejszego opracowania są sprawozdania i opinie sporządzane dla Ministerstwa Informacji i Propagandy, Ministerstwa Ziem Zachodnich i Ministerstwa Administracji Publicznej przechowywane w zbiorach Archiwum Akt Nowych w Warszawie. W cytatach zachowano oryginalną pisownię i styl wypowiedzi.


It was Machiavelli who assumed that there was no such an authoritative government which could allow itself not to take public opinion in to consideration. Also communist authorities who gained power over territories excluded from Poland in 1945, were interested in public opinion. Information about gossips and feeling among inhabitants of Opolian Silesia was gathered in special reports for the needs of central institutions. Both inhabitants who had just arrived in these territories: repatriates and settlers and indigenous people were under observation. ; The questions and topic of the reports allow to define the range of problems and issues which particularly interested contemporary authorities. These were the following: socio-political situation, attitude of the population to administration and its regulations, safety state, activities of political parties and attitude of population to the Red Army. Exceptional eagerness was visible in collecting the information in the times preceding important political events, such as: referendum in 1946 or elections in 1947. ; The result of the study of contemporary opinions in this land was catastrophic: it was no co-operation among particular groups of inhabitants, it was chaos and general discontentment. The population was especially negative to political parties (Polish Workers` Party and Polish Socialist Party) and also any other actions of contemporary Polish country and Red Army representatives.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego



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Studia Zachodnie, tom 14




Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego

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