Chałubiński, Mirosław - red. ; Kilias, Jarosław - red. ; Korab, Kazimierz - red. ; Wincławski, Włodzimierz - red.
"Theory of agency" w socjologii europejskiej = "Theory of agency" in european sociology
Group publication title:
Subject and Keywords:
Archer, Margaret (1943- ) ; Giddens, Anthony (1938- ) ; "Theory of agency" ; podmiotowe sprawstwo ; socjologia
The article aims to present briefly the problem of a theoretical nature, namely, the division of agency and structure in sociology. A general review of the problem of agency is presented. The author is confined to minimum details of classical meta-theory in order to present two theoretical notions of Margaret Archer and Anthony Giddens. ; The structure of the paper is as follows: firstly, the theoretical problem of "agency theory" in sociology is presented, secondly, differences between structuration theory and the morphogenetic approach are shown, and lastly, the importance of the reintegration of agency - structure dualism - is presented.
Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe