Trochimczuk, Roman ; Kuźmierowski, Tomasz ; Anchimiuk, Piotr
Study of CPM device used for rehabilitation and effective pain management following knee alloplasty
Tytuł publikacji grupowej:
Temat i słowa kluczowe:
CPM device ; rehabilitation robot ; effective pain management ; knee alloplasty ; FEM analysis
This paper defines the design assumptions for the construction of an original demonstration of a CPM device, based on which a solid virtual model will be created in a CAD software environment. The overall dimensions and other input parameters for the design were determined for the entire patient population according to an anatomical atlas of human measures. ; The medical and physiotherapeutic community were also consulted with respect to the proposed engineering solutions. The virtual model of the CPM device that will be created will be used for computer simulations of changes in motion parameters as a function of time, accounting for loads and static states. ; The results obtained from computer simulation will be used to confirm the correctness of the design adopted assumptions and of the accepted structure of the CPM mechanism, and potentially to introduce necessary corrections. They will also provide a basis for the development of a control strategy for the laboratory prototype and for the selection of the strategy of the patient's rehabilitation in the future. This paper will be supplemented with identification of directions of further research.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Data wydania:
Typ zasobu:
IJAME, volume 22, number 1 (2017)