Misapplied ecology: investigations of population decline in the House Sparrow
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This review of research on the decline of the House Sparrow is divided into two parts. In the first part I summarize the investigations that have been undertaken and their major findings. In the second part I examine the evidential base of the consensus, and argue that despite the extensive research effort, there is little or no critical evidence to support the consensus view. ; I also argue that the emergence of compelling evidence in favour of predation as a cause of sparrow decline undermines the rationale both of continuing research, and of emerging conservation recommendations. I finalny consider the implications of these conclusions for the wider issue of bird population declines on farmland and the implementation of agri-environment schemes aimed at reversing such declines.
Zielona Góra: University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Biological Sciences
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International Studies on Sparrows, vol. 35