Struktura obiektu


Żurek, Robert


Dudra, Stefan - red. ; Pochyły, Piotr - red.


Changes in the living conditions of the Cracovian Roma after Polish accession to the EU = Zmiany w sytuacji bytowej krakowskich Romów po wejściu Polski do Unii Europejskiej

Tytuł publikacji grupowej:

Przegląd Narodowościowy, 3

Temat i słowa kluczowe:

Roma ; ethnic minority ; social position ; discrimination ; Romowie ; mniejszość etniczna ; pozycja społeczna ; dyskryminacja


The core of analysis in this article is the situation of the Cracovian Roma community after Polish accession to the European Union. The analysis considers two levels - institutional (activity of Roma associations) and private (the situation of families and individuals). The base material in the case of institutions are interviews with their representatives and, in the case of individuals, interviews by questionnaires. ; This analysis proceeded multidi-rectional, proposals for different areas are: the housing situation of the Cracovian Roma community is not bad, but the vast majority of non-proprietary occupants live on the premises without the possibility of purchasing the property for financial reasons; most of them have employment, it increased in recent years, despite rising unemployment in the country; significantly increases the level of education of the Roma and aware of the limitations associated with its lack; majority of the Roma is satisfied with the activities of their nassociations, on the other hand, the associations perceive greater opportunities and resources to help than before 2004; the Cracovian Roma feel strong deterioration in the standard of living due to the decline in revenues and an increase in prices, as well as a clear increase in the discrimination in the last decade. ; The analysis can help to verify the situation of this minority and to break some stereotypes, but this is necessary to conduct research in other Polish regions.


Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego

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Przegląd Narodowościowy, t. 3




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