Kruk, Aleksandra - red. ; Pochyły, Piotr - red.
Group publication title:
Subject and Keywords:
Jewish minority in Poland ; Polish Jews ; the Bund ; the German extermination of the Jews ; mniejszość żydowska w Polsce ; polscy Żydzi ; Bund ; niemiecka eksterminacja Żydów
The General Jewish Workers Bund of Poland sent memorandum on the position of Jews in occupied Poland in April 1940 to The Polish Government in France. In sent document Bund mentioned discrimination of Jews in the Second Polish Republic and fact there was plan of support of Jewish emigration to Palestine. It declared active struggle for an independent Poland with the German and Soviet occupiers. ; It reminded that the Soviet authorities arrested and carried away to the USSR many of the leading activists of the Bund. Advocated concept of socialist and democratic Poland, equality of all citizens and national and cultural rights for ethnic minorities. Bund considered as a utopia Polish and Jewish concepts of building a Jewish state. It demanded Polish government the fight against anti-Semitism in emigration institutions and occupied country, where many Poles took part in German politics of terror against the Jews.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego