@misc{Paszke_Wojciech_(1975-_)_Analysis, author={Paszke, Wojciech (1975- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The main objective of this dissertation is to convert non-trivial problems in analysis and synthesis of linear repetitive processes (LRPs) and multidimensional (n-D) systems into an linear matrix inequality (LMI) framework for solving them efficiently with recently developed software packages. In particular, the problem is to apply LMI methods for n-D system classes with parameters uncertainty, disturbances and delays occurrence. Resulting LMI conditions are implemented as Matlab m-files.}, abstract={The following thesis of this dissertation may be formulated: Many analysis and synthesis problems of differential and discrete LRPs and generally n-D systems, including very difficult and practically motivated problems where uncertainties, disturbances and delays may appear, can be solved effectively with LMI methods. To confirm this thesis, the following problems have been addressed:}, abstract={(1) Theoretical aspects: provision and development of the computer implementable formulation, which involve LMIs, for the following problems: - stability and stabilisation of LRPs subjected to parameter uncertainty; - controller synthesis with performance requirements (in the form of H inf and H 2 norms) for LRPs; - guaranteed cost control of LRPs; - stability and stabilisation of state delayed 2-D systems, - robust stability and robust stabilisation of state delayed 2-D systems; - formulating optimization procedures which can be used to attenuate the effects of uncertainty and disturbances.}, abstract={(2) Implementation aspect: Implementation of a Matlab-based package which numerically solves considered class of problems.}, abstract={(3) Application aspects:- application of LMI methods to study stability and convergence properties of iterative algorithms such as iterative learning control procedures, - applications of LMI methods to analysis of parallel computing process;}, title={Analysis and synthesis of multidimensional system classes using linear matrix inequality methods}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, type={książka}, keywords={rozprawa doktorska, nauki techniczne, informatyka, metody numeryczne, optymalizacja wypukła, liniowe nierówności macierzowe, układy wielowymiarowe, liniowe procesy powtarzalne}, }