@misc{Szczepankiewicz_Elżbieta_Izabela_Concept, author={Szczepankiewicz, Elżbieta Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Relational capital factors are an important component of the market value of many business entities. For many years attempts have been made at developing uniform methods and models for identification and valuation of relational capital. ?Intellectual Capital Statement ? Made in Europe? (InCaS) that constitutes a particularly useful, complex tool to assess, to report and to develop the intellectual capital and relational capital of an modern companies.}, abstract={The paper shows application of InCaS project for measuring and presenting relational capital in 25 pilot-SMEs in Europa, in this in 5 pilot-SMEs in Poland. The paper shows also practical application of InCaS concept for assess, to report and to develop the relational capital on the example of a modern company the industry of IT services in Poland - BLOOMING Technologies Sp. z o.o.}, title={Concept of using the InCaS model to identification, measuring and presenting relational capital of a network enterprises and other modern organizations = Koncepcja wykorzystania modelu InCaS do identyfikacji, pomiaru i prezentowania kapitału relacyjnego w przedsiębiorstwach sieciowych i innych nowoczesnych organizacjach}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kapitał relacyjny, kapitał intelektualny, Relational capital, Intellectual capital}, }