@misc{Roszkowska-Hołysz_Dorota_Determinants, author={Roszkowska-Hołysz, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={This article presents some considerations on chosen determinants of the consumer purchasing behaviour. The consumer purchasing behaviour is affected by different factors associated with living in a society, an organized community as well as factors of personal nature, which can be grouped into collective categories. Psychological, sociocultural, economic and demographic determinants were presented. An attempt to identify interrelationships amongst groups of factors as well as internal relations within the group was made.}, title={Determinants of consumer purchasing behaviour in the light of the theory of consumer behaviour = Uwarunkowania zachowań nabywczych konsumentów w świetle teorii zachowań konsumentów}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zachowania nabywcze, konsument, purchasing behaviours, consumer}, }