@misc{Kempski_Adam_Elektromagnetyczne, author={Kempski, Adam}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The research described in this monograph concerns issues connected with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of power converter drives. Modem converters used in such systems generate a high level of electromagnetic interference (EMI), the spectra of which are shifted from low to high frequency band. It causes new kinds of problems related to measuring methods, mitigation echniques and elimination ofthe consequences oftheir appearance.}, abstract={The dominant way ofEMI emission into electromagnetic environment in a frequency range up to 30 MHz is by conduction. Additionally, in the high frequency range conducted EMI in power converter drives can cause problems with internal electromagnetic compatibility ofthe system. In this work, based on experimental results and theoretical analyses, the circuits of common mode (CM) and differential mo de (DM) EMI in topologically symmetric three-phase systems have been distinguished. On this basis HF lumped equivalent circuits for EMI and bearing currents have been proposed. The wave nature of EMI currents has been taken into consideration.}, abstract={The method of comparative analysis ofthe influence of controi algorithms onto EMI spectra in the CISPR A frequency band using analytical decomposition ofthe spectrum into CM and DM mo des has been proposed.Theoretical analyses and results of simulations have been verified by tests carried out on a two-quadrant drive with induction motor fed-by frequency converter and additionally on drives with a four- quadrant frequency converter, multilevel inverters and a matrix converter.}, abstract={There has been presented the analysis of methods ofEMI suppression by means of passive and active cancellation ofthe CM voltage and the modification of the impedance of the CM current path. Beside the valuation of efficiency and limitations of the application area of these methods, an influence on other aspects of electromagnetic compatibility of the system has been presented.}, title={Elektromagnetyczne zaburzenia przewodzone w układach napędów przekształtnikowych}, type={rozprawa habilitacyjna}, type={książka}, keywords={kompatybilność elektromagnetyczna (EMC), zaburzenia przewodzone, układnapędowy o regulowanej prędkości (PDS), filtr aktywny, filtr pasywny}, }