@misc{Górnicka_Weronika_"Missao, author={Górnicka, Weronika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={Intention of this article is to present problems with public safety and sources of urban violence in Brazil in the three movies of José Padilha: ?Ônibus 174?, ?Tropa de Elite? and ?Tropa de Elite 2. O Inimigo Agora É Outro?. In this films the director tried to shows how complex is the problem of violence in this country and in consequence he initiated a grave discussion about this question. Padilha focus attention on the most important factors which create this problem. His production are full of corruption in politics and police, violence in the streets, drugs and depravation of society. The director shows that the condition of Brazil and Brazilians is the result of the activity of all the members of society.}, title={"Missao dada, missao cumprida". Kino polityczne José Padilhi wiwisekcją problemów współczesnej Brazylii = "Missao dada, missao cumprida". The political cinema of José Padilhi as the analysis of the modern Brazil problems}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Padilha, José (reżyser brazylijski ; 1967 -), kino polityczne}, }