@misc{Greinert_Henryk_Rekultywacja, author={Greinert, Henryk}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the work was to determine the reason of an unsatisfactory effect of reforestation of a surface mine area in the vivinity of Łęknica on the Nysa Łużycka river. The soil-forming rocks on this area are mainly miocene sands, with piryte, FeS2 admixture. As a consequence of oxidation of this mineral sulphuric acid was formed, what caussed a very strong acidification of the soil. For neutralization of the acidity large amounts of lime (30-90tons/ha) were used. Liming improwed pH of the soil, but the pine seedling growed very bad. Part of them dried up, even by use of NPK fertilizer doses acceptable in forest fertilization praxis.}, abstract={The field experiments, provided in the years 1986-1989 have shown, that main cause of the weak effect of reforestarion of the mine dumps was the small amount of plant available nitrogen. Additional doses of l00 kg N/ha/year improved the pine growth considerably and caused a very surface covering between the pine rows by grasses and herbs. The intensive water erosion did not exist any more.}, title={Rekultywacja leśna utworów pokopalnianych w rejonie Łęknicy = The reforestation of the surface mine area in the Łęknica vicinity}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Nysa Łużycka, geografia, geologia, badania}, }