@misc{Thi_Bich_Lock_Nguyen_Analiza, author={Thi Bich Lock, Nguyen and Obertyńska, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The project shows the analysis of a secondery dehydrated sludge and after its compost with sawdusts, straw and lime. The sediment has been received from the sewage treatment plant in Łężyca (close to Zielona Góra) on the 23. l0.2000 year. The composts with secondary dehydrated sludge and dry mass 25% have been made accrding to following scheme:}, abstract={1-2 kg deposit + 335 g sawdusts + 200 g CaCO3,}, abstract={2 kg deposit + 335 g straw + 200 g CaCO3,}, abstract={3-2 kg deposit + 163 g straw + 163 g sawdusts.}, abstract={The experiment has been made on the 24.10.2000 year and it has taken untill 6.02.2001 year. The compost mass was kept in foil bags in temp. lik 20-22°C. To keep the moisture of compost on 55-65 level it has been added the water. The results of research sediment, confirm presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the sewage sludge: Salmonella, E.coli and Clostridium perfringens.}, abstract={In researching tests of compost with the lime, straw and sawdusts which were added, the number of microorganisms hasn't changed in every test the number of bacteriums has increasd, comparing with the sewage sludge, before its compost. The number of fungus and Ciostridiun perfringens and E. coli has reduced.}, title={Analiza mikrobiologiczna osadu surowego i po kompostowaniu = The microbiological analysis of a raw sewege sludge and after composting process}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kompostowanie, analiza}, }