@misc{Borowy_Andrzej_Możliwości, author={Borowy, Andrzej and Harabin, Zdzisław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={The authors of presented elaboration discuss some physical, chemical and helminthologic features of cellulosed residues coming from Warszawskie Zakłady Papiernicze S.A. in Konstancin-Jeziorna (Warsaw Papermaking Factory S.A.). The residues are characterized by the definitely low contents of heavy metals as well absence of endoparasite. Moreover,residues showed the higher values of plastic than the sewage residues.}, abstract={The article presents possibilities of residues use for reclamation of industrial wastes, including stabilization of loose areas, e.g. power ash yards as well as residues after floatation of zinc and lead ores. Practical tests proved that these residues can be also an excellent material stabilizing and isolating of exploited communal waste yards. Considering their advantageous physical and chemical properties as well as helminthologic ones can be applied for agricultural ground enrichment.}, title={Możliwości wykorzystania osadów celulozowych do rekultywacji gruntów bezglebowych = Possibilities of cellulose sledges use to the soil-less grounds reclamation}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gospodarka odpadami, badania}, }