@misc{Grzelak_Krzysztof_Rozwiązania, author={Grzelak, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={On December 23rd, 1997 the electric energy generared by the Hydro-Electric Power Station in Dychów reached the National Electric Power Engineering system after the upper reservoir embankments have been reconstructed and modernized. The works had been carried outcontinuously since April 23rd, 1997 when the upper reservoir slope including the national road No 287 had slid down onto the premises of the Hydro-Electric Power Station Dychów. Around 30 thousand cubic meters of ground had been relocated. The building wall of the power station had been destroyed, the technological facilities in the turbine sef l as well as the electric and control apparatus had been covered with earth.}, abstract={The hreak-down committee in charge of assessing the damages completed its works a month after the catastrophc event took place, that is on May 23rd. 1997. In June the Committee members agreed upon and approved of the project for the repair of the failure in the Hydro-Electric Power Station in Dychów. On July 1st. the works on recovering the production capacity of the station started and they included: placing the cut-off wall in the foundation of both the abutments (heads) of the building taking water into the derivative pipeline, making deep vertical drainage on the power station building apron as well as reconstructing the slope.After eleven months of works with the combined intensive effords of geologists, geotechnicians, designers as well as builders, the modernized facilities were taken over by the Investor and started operating.}, title={Rozwiązania techniczne i materiały zastosowane przy zabezpieczeniu skarpy zbiornika wodnego w Dychowie = Technical solutions and the materials used in protecting the slope of the water reservoir in Dychow}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Dychów, elektrownie wodne, badania}, }