@misc{Maciantowicz_Marek_Ochrona, author={Maciantowicz, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Regional Directorate of States Forests (RDLP) in Zielona Góra manages forests with area of 451,375 ha. Naturalistically most interesting terrains are related with last glaciation. They are glacial gullies, numerous peatareas and river valleys. The main axis of the hydrologie system is the Odra river. It is ecological corridor with international importance. Most valuable natural objects are protected in various ways (see the Table). For protection of nestles of imperilled birds were formed 53 protective zones.}, abstract={Atlantic species of plants, at the Eastern limit of their appearance are worthy to notice. It is the value with nation-wide importance. There are trees consiciered as oldest and thickest in Poland: the oldest English oak "CHROBRY" (743 years old), the thickest English oak "NAPOLEON" (1043 cm), the thickest pine tree WALIGÓRA" (602 cm).}, abstract={In order to reduce negative impact on environment while conducting various works in forests it was decided to use for lubrication of chain saws biodegradable oils. It is forbidden to use fire during works in forests. Workers are obliged to break up branches left on felling sites. Atmore and more areas is used partial felling what positively influences specific, age and spatial differentiation of forest stands. Woodsmen heartily commit into enterprises related to active protection of imperilled species and their biotopes.}, abstract={They co-operate with ecological organisations and scientific institutions. In modern protection of nature most effective direction is protection of habitats. Now, in order to maintenance most imperilled water-mud biotopes, is implemented programme of active swamps protection. There are made efforts in order to increase retention in forests.}, abstract={There are implemented programmes of active protection of species, for example of mud turtles, capercailzies and black grouses, and rare and imperilled vascular plants. In Forest Protection Department of RDLP is prepared the data base with full information regarding nature of this region. There are prepared also programmes of protection for forest inspectorates with complete description of environment state and definein planned way principles of natural protection at their terrain.}, title={Ochrona przyrody w lasach zielonogórskich = Protection of nature in forests of Zielona Góra region}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ochrona przyrody, Zielona Góra (okręg), Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych}, }