@misc{Najbar_Bartłomiej_Odtwarzanie, author={Najbar, Bartłomiej and Maciantowicz, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={The European pond turtle Emys orbicularis is classified as an endangered species in Poland. Its decay should be put down to climatic conditions, constantly changing water proportions in the region, modification of the silted and slow flows, drainage, low level of stuface water, water pollution and burying of water reservoirs.}, abstract={In order to avoid the gradual extinction of Emys orbicularis, a project called "Active protection of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis (L.) in Poland" has been set up. One of the tasks of the programme is to combine stations located in the relative proximity to each other and thus create chains of stations. In future these chains of stations should form a unified site of the European pond turtle in the middle Odra region.}, abstract={First steps aimed at increasing the number of stations have already been made. In May 2000, 41 young turtles, out of which 32 had been found in the Ilanka River and 9 in the Pliszka River were set. In September 2000, 15 turtles hatched in 3 nests. 1 individual died, whereas 14 others were set free in May 2001.}, title={Odtwarzanie i zasilanie stanowisk żółwia błotnego Emys orbicularis L. w pasie Środkowej Odry = Reconstruct and supply the present sites of european pond turtle Emys orbicularis L. in the middle Odra region}, type={artykuł}, keywords={żółw błotny, Emys orbicularis, Odra}, }