@misc{Warcholak_Piotr_Potencjał, author={Warcholak, Piotr and Jezierska, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={The waters of the river Oder serve several purposes: they are used by industry, agriculture, forestry, power engineering, municipal management, navigation as well as, sports and recreation tourism. Little water resources of the river, its irregular flows and winter overicing cause that the length of the navigation period is variable.}, abstract={In the years 1951-1993 the navigation period was from 55 to 220 days a year. Nevertheless, the river is regulated and possesses the infrastructure which allows restoring its im portance in the European system of waterways. The total length of the Odra River Water-Way in the territory of Poland is 742 km including:}, abstract={- the Gliwice Canal - 41 km,}, abstract={- the Kędzierzyński Canal - 504 km,}, abstract={- the engineered section of the river Oder from Koźle to Brzeg Dolny -187km,}, abstract={- the river flowing freely from Brzeg Dolny to Szczecin including the Western Oder - 459 km.}, title={Potencjał transportowy i turystyczny rzeki Odry = Transport and tourist potentials of the river Oder}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Odra, transport, turystyka}, }