@misc{Kusza_Grzegorz_Stan, author={Kusza, Grzegorz and Dużyński, Mariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Opole Voivodeship is characterized by large carbonale rock beds occurring within the area of the region. They have been exploited as raw materials for cement-lime industry purposes. However, lime exploitation is connected with tremendous geomorphological reshaping of land surface.}, abstract={Therefore, reclamation of transformed areas is the essential problem resulting from the lime industry activity. Research on the health state of forest crops on reclaimed land surfaces or the Silesian Lime Works "Opolwap" S.A. in Tarnów Opolski was carried out in years 2000-2001. The scope of the research included the inventory-making of trees and the estimation of their health state. The investigated areas were selected following plantings age.}, abstract={One-year and five-year's old objects were distinguished, considering the age differentiation of tree plantings. Results of the study revealed (l) the highest amount of trees taking root for black locust Robinia pseudoaccacia L., European ash Fraxinus excelsior L. and black alder Alnus glutiunosa L. (2) the medium and low amount of trees taking root for sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus L., red oak Quercus rubra L., Norway maple Acer platanoides L. and mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia L., which are known from the literature as the preferential species used during the reclamation of land surfaces transformed by carbonate resource exploitation. Tree species selection applied in the excavation reclamation of Silesian Lime Works "Opolwap" S.A. has not been best determined.}, title={Stan zachowania gatunków drzew rosnących na rekultywowanych powierzchniach wyrobisk Śląskich Zakładów Przemysłu Wapienniczego ,,Opolwap" S.A. = Health state tree species growingon reclaimed surfaces of the opencast working of "Opolwap" S.A. Silesian Lime Works}, type={artykuł}, keywords={3 Międzynarodowa konferencja "Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów dorzecza Odry: zrównoważona gospodarka zasobami naturalnymi" (24-25.06.2004)}, }