@misc{Skierka_Edyta_Changes, author={Skierka, Edyta and Chmura, Damian}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={In the present paper the resulls of the phytosociological studies on mixed coniferous community Querco roboris-Pinetum in the Silesian Upland were shown. Different types of plant community disturbances were observed, caused by various forms of forest economy and these are: impoverishment of floristic composition, decrease of species diversity, monotypization, pinetyzation, fruticetyzation, geranietyzation, neophytization and cespityzation.}, title={Changes in mixed coniferous forest (Querco roboris-Pinetum) as a result of forest economy in the Silesian Upland = Zmiany w borze mieszanym (Querco roboris-Pinetum) jako efekt gospodarki leśnej na Wyżynie Śląskiej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={3 Międzynarodowa konferencja "Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów dorzecza Odry: zrównoważona gospodarka zasobami naturalnymi" (24-25.06.2004)}, }