@misc{Twarowski_Ryszard_Depozycja, author={Twarowski, Ryszard and Gendolla, Tomasz and Liana, Ewa and Kaczmarski, Stanisław and Wostek, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The purpose of the study was to bring forward and coverage the problem of estimation of amounts and trencis of change in acidic loads (compounds of sulphur and nitrogen) incoming with atmospheric precipitation to the ground. The measured loads were deposited on area of middle Odra River catchment - exactly on area between the mouth of Nysa Kłodzka and mouth of Nysa Łużycka.}, abstract={The assessment was done on the base of data sequences fromabove area in years 1994-2002. Data were gathered by IMGW Branch of Wroław in frame of Study aimed on monitoring of the chemical pollution in atmospheric precipitation [Twarowski et. all, 1994-2002].}, abstract={The results of monitoring was set down in tables and illustrated on diagrams and ligures. Among the resulls are shown the characteristic amounts of concentration in the atmospheric precipitation and the deposited loads of sulfates, nitrites, nitrates and free H +ions, also pH values for successive years ob observations. The measured deposited loads of sulfates, nitrites and nitrates were compared to critical loads for soils on afforested areas. According to Mill [2002] the critical loads are the upper level of deposited chmical compounds those do not make damage in ecosystems.}, abstract={Up of critical loads deposition of pollutants bring the long lasting harmful effect on the structure and overall conditions of prosperity the different ecosystems. There have been used all gathered data and methods of GIS System for showing on the computer screen graphical pattern of the spatial distribution of all mentioned compounds of deposition loads in year 2002. Due of that method one can realize: a) where are the regions with higher loads, b) the mosaic structure of chemical pollutants burden and spatial distribution of sums of precipitation.}, title={Depozycja związków kwasotwórczych z opadem atmosferycznym na tereny dorzecza środkowej Odry i ich oddziaływanie na ekosystemy leśne = Deposition of acid precursors incoming with atmospheric precipitation on area of middle Odra river catchment and its influence on forest ecosystems}, type={artykuł}, keywords={3 Międzynarodowa konferencja "Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów dorzecza Odry: zrównoważona gospodarka zasobami naturalnymi" (24-25.06.2004)}, }