@misc{Jachimko_Barbara_Wpływ, author={Jachimko, Barbara}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The contamination of iron and calcium in the ground surrounding post-mining acidotrophic reservoir located In Łuk Mużakowski (Poland) is presented. The reservoir under discussion was the biggest one in the antropogenic lake district and was a meromictic type. The migration of cal-cium and iron to the reservoir caused by surface erosion and chemical weathering was pointed. The migration scheme was similar for both elements was strong correlated with the ground configuration.}, title={Wpływ procesów wietrzenia hałd pokopalnianych na migrację żelaza i wapnia do wód powierzchniowych = The influence of the weathering processes on post-mining slag hips on the migration of iron and calcium to surface water}, type={artykuł}, keywords={"Brytanik" - dramat francuski, 4 Międzynarodowa konferencja "Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów dorzecza Odry: rekultywacja terenów zdegradowanych" (28-29.06.2007), zbiorniki pokopalniane, wietrzenie, piryt, żelazo, wapń, weathering, post-mining reservoirs, pyrite, iron, calcium}, }