@misc{Bruj_Małgorzata_Zjawiska, author={Bruj, Małgorzata and Krysiak, Zofia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Glaciotectonic structures in Pleistocene deposits of Bełchatow Mine have been studied since 2003 to 2005y. Four Western (highest) walls of cover were mapped and the part of the Northern wall too (fig. l). Numerous glaciotectonic structures, sediment flows or liquefaction and neotectonic features were noticed.}, abstract={Complicated deformations are visible mainly in sandygravel sediments and muds between two till horizons, however the tills are also locally deformed. The following deformational structures were distinguished: diapirs, loadings, complementary shears, different fold types, slices, detachments, duplexes, cylindrical shears, normai and reverse faults. Ifs very difficult to state which of the structures have glaciotectonic origin, which one reflect basement tectonics and which of them have neotectonic origin.}, abstract={The same difficulties relate to attempt of age definition. Essentiul controlling factor of small glaciotectonic structures is pore water pressure. The other important parameters are: sediment granulometry, its content and/or character, basement configuration and Glacier-ice speed. Results of mesostructural analysis indicate a sub-horizontal direction of compression. It changes from NNE-SSW and N-S in the bottom of the profile, through NW-SE in the middle part to W-E in the top.}, abstract={Changes of stress field during the time, reflect 2 deformational stages: compression (N-S) = reaction of the main structures of Bełchatow Graben to the Glacier pressure (which had left The Lower till). Compression NW-SE and W-E correspond with Glacier movement direction (which had left the Upper till) - so called Widawka lobe.}, title={Zjawiska glacitektoniczne w kopalni Bełchatów (2003-2005) = Glaciotectonic fenomena in Bełchatow mine (open pit) (2003-2005)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={X jubileuszowe sympozjum glacitektoniki}, }