@misc{Drab_Michał_Forest, author={Drab, Michał and Greinert, Henryk}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The post-mining area in the Łęknica vicinity is covered with Miocene sediments, mainly loamy sands containing pyrite. As part of the reclamation process, described area have been afforested, mainly with Scotch pine. The recultivation results were in many places highly unsatisfactory, because of nutrients deficiency on the trees appearance. A field experiment applying combinations of N, P and K with each element applied at different rates was carried out.}, abstract={After four years it was clear, that the growth of pine seedlings depends mainly from nitrogen application. During the first year after additional fertilizer application the soil surface between pine seedlings rows was covered fully with grass and other plant species. The pine needles became dark green color and were longer and heavier. In the fol-lowing 3 years the annual growth of fertilized trees was much higher.}, abstract={The N-content in the pine needles increased proportionally to needle weight and N fertilization. The elevated doses of K and P did not change the P and K content of the needles. Also the Ca and Mg concentration in the needles were not dependent from the fertilization level. The heavy metal concentration was typical for clean areas, although the soil became a quite large amount of these elements with the waste lime from zinc smelter.}, title={Forest reclamation of the post-mining dumps. II. Nitrogen fertilization as a key for successful miocene strip-mine dumps reclamation = Rekultywacja leśna hałd pokopalnianych. II. Nawożenie azotowe jako klucz do rekultywacji mioceńskich gruntów pokopalnianych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={4 Międzynarodowa konferencja "Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów dorzecza Odry: rekultywacja terenów zdegradowanych" (28-29.06.2007), forest recultivation, dumps reclamation, nitrogen in recultivation, rekultywacja leśna, rekultywacja hałd, azot w rekultywacji}, }