@misc{Kołodziejczyk_Urszula_Zmiana, author={Kołodziejczyk, Urszula}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={There are a lot of brown coal deposits in Nysa Łużycka catchment. Until now their exploitation has caused a substantial changes in natural environment, such as ground water table lowering. The inhabitants of the region oppose further exploitation pointing out the gradual loss of water in wells and degradation of the agricultural land.}, abstract={They expressed it in the successive referenda. In connection with plans of opening new mining plants in Nysa Łużycka catchment further changes in natural environment are inevitable. Wise planning of investments and relevant decisions on international level are being necessary. Only such activities will minimize the influence of lignite exploitation on the environment. The paper describes brown-coal mines located in Nysa Łużycka catchment and their influence on hydrogeological environment.}, title={Zmiana uwarunkowań hydrogeologicznych wskutek eksploatacji węgla brunatnego w zlewni Nysy Łużyckiej = The change of hydrogeological conditions due to lignite exploitation in Nysa Łużycka catchment}, type={artykuł}, keywords={węgiel brunatny - eksploatacja, rekultywacja, hydrogeologia, lignite, reclamation, hydrogeology}, }