@misc{Pietrzykowski_Marcin_Gospodarka, author={Pietrzykowski, Marcin and Krzaklewski, Wojciech and Tomanek, Malwina and Hajduk, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The surface areas requiring reclamation in Poland amounts 64,000 ha, of which, 44,000 ha are occupied by mining. The predominant reclaimed postmining use is forestery (60%). In the area of Upper Silesia, spoil heaps pose a threat to the environment, and they are often deposited on surfaces excluded from forest production.}, abstract={The majority of these reclaimed and afforested spoil heaps is transferred to the administration of The State Forests National Forest Holding (Lasy Państwowe). These areas are included into the Forest Management Plan andcontain characteristics of both forest sites and tree stands.}, abstract={The aim of this study was to analyze the area of forest reclamation, tree stand age, species composition and forest site classification on spoil heaps located in the Rybnik Forest Inspectorate. Findings show that in the analyzed area, surfaces excluded from forest production amounted 245.5 ha, and the surface of reclaimed area amounted 132.3 ha.}, abstract={The majority of these areas were defined as young, mixed coniferous forest sites (BMśw 53%). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the predominant species (40%), dervived mostly from self-seeding andstands are in the first or second age class. The result of these studies can be important during silviculture planning and management for tree stands on reclaimed sites.}, title={Gospodarka powierzchnią oraz charakterystyka drzewostanów i siedlisk na rekultywowanych zwałach odpadów górnictwa węgla kamiennego na obszarze nadleśnictwa Rybnik (rejon GOP) = Areal balance management, tree stands and sites characteristic on a reclaimed spoil heap of hard coal mining in the Rybnik forest inspectorate (upper silesian industrial region-GOP)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={górnictwo węgla kamiennego, rekultywacja, zwałowisko, bilans powierzchniowy, siedliska leśne, drzewostany, hard coal mining, spoil heap, reclamation, areal balance, stand trees, forest habitats}, }