@misc{Zdebik_Dariusz_Badania, author={Zdebik, Dariusz and Głodniok, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={In this paper were described the results of research aimed at identifying the contribution fraction of COD in raw wastewater, after the mechanical treatment and in treated sewage. The total COD was analyzed by the fraction of dissolved organic compounds easily absorbed, persistent dissolved organic compounds, slowly degradable organic suspended solids and biologically non-degradable organic suspensions.}, abstract={Changes in the share of individual fractions of COD per day were discussed. The research indicated that in the mechanical part of WWTP provides a large reduction of organic suspensions-slowly biodegradable COD fraction, which affects the biological processes of reduction of biogenic compounds in wastewater.}, title={Badania podatności ścieków na rozkład biologiczny na przykładzie oczyszczalni pracującej w technologii sekwencyjno-przepływowej = The results of studies of wastewater susceptibility on biological decomposition on an example of waste water treatment plant operated in the sequential-flow technology}, type={artykuł}, keywords={frakcje ChZT, technologia sekwencyjno-przepływowa, COD fractions, sequential-flow technology}, }