@misc{Greinert_Andrzej_Budżet, author={Greinert, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The Local Government Act requires the local level a number of obligations, which requires the expenditure for these purposes the relevant sum. Municipalities cover their expenses from various sources, increasingly looking for extra-budgetary funds. For this purpose, among others, located in the hands of the community estate, especially land.}, abstract={High municipal budget revenues are associated with industrial land use. The article shows economic data of municipalities located in the coal districts of Konin, Bełchatów, Turów and forward-looking Lubuski District.}, abstract={Differences in reported Gubin and Brody communities income for those associated with coal mining are as 1:10-20. This is due to large items, such as tax write-offs, operating fee, the fee for land use, environmental charges, and many others. Thus, industrialization, in addition to the revenue resulting from the production and jobs, also provides other material benefits.}, title={Budżet gmin Brody i Gubin na tle polskich gmin związanych z wydobyciem węgla brunatnego = Brody and Gubin municipalities budget against polish municipalities connected with lignite mining}, type={artykuł}, keywords={budżet gminny, wydobycie węgla brunatnego, korzyści z industrializacji, municipal budget, lignite mining, benefits of industrialization}, }