@misc{Cuske_Mateusz_Oddziaływanie, author={Cuske, Mateusz and Marcinkiewicz, Monika and Szopka, Katarzyna and Karczewska, Anna and Pora, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study is analisys of heavy metals in surface levels of soils located in ZM "Silesia" S.A., Zinc Smelter Oława vicinity. Research showed that long-term smelter activity has a significant impact on the contaminated level of soils in Oława. It was ascertained excessive soil icrease in zinc and lead what is a result of the specific activity of the smelter.}, title={Oddziaływanie huty cynku Oława na środowisko glebowe terenów przyległych, w świetle całkowitej zawartości metali ciężkich w poziomach powierzchniowych gleb miasta Oławy = The influence of Oława zinc smelter on soil environment of adjacent areas in the light of total content of heavy metals in surface levels of Oława soils}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Huta Cynku Oława, metale ciężkie, gleby zanieczyszczone, Zinc Smelter Oława, contaminated soils, heavy metals}, }