@misc{Skiba_Marta_Kształtowanie, author={Skiba, Marta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={In modern towns their image and identity are being formed in a more and more active way. Town authorities promote events, slogans, logos, which identify a town with actions and events. A clear image of a town can be i.e.: Bielawa ? a model ecological town, Cycling Śrem, Poddębice - a sunny town, Raciechowice - an ecological administrative commune.}, abstract={The idea of "smart cities", "energy cities" or any other general promotion, i.e.: saving energy financed with money provided by programs of community initiatives makes it possible to reduce expenses on an administrative commune?s own projects. Participation in programs and specific goals of town policy are becoming a necessity in order to receive financial help from the EU, without which dynamic development of towns is not possible.}, title={Kształtowanie obrazu miasta. Rola prawa i mechanizmów ekonomicznych = Role of law and economic mechanisms in the formation of the image of a town}, type={artykuł}, keywords={obraz miasta, rozwój miasta, oszczędność energetyczna, image of the city, city development, energy saving}, }