@misc{Piontek_Marlena_Produkty, author={Piontek, Marlena and Lechów, Hanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The article is to explain the issues related to the protection of the facade against biological agents. Biocidal products (biocides) are used to control organisms, causing biological corrosion on facades. Contain one or more active substances. Differ in composition, mode of action, and the application and intended purpose. Preemptively are added to materials already in the stage of their production.}, abstract={Work biocidal in place of biocorrosion, as well as preservatives. The use of biocides retards or prevents the biodeterioration caused by microorganisms. Under the influence of environmental factors, the nature of the biocidal products vary. A prerequisite for developing biological corrosion is to determine and winding-up of its reasons.}, title={Produkty biobójcze stosowane w ochronie elewacji przed korozją biologiczną = Biocidal products used in facade protection against biological corrosion}, type={artykuł}, keywords={biocydy, korozja biologiczna, elewacje zewnętrzne, biocides, biological corrosion, external facades}, }