@misc{Gabryś_Grzegorz_Problemy, author={Gabryś, Grzegorz and Ważna, Agnieszka and Nowakowski, Krzysztof and Kościelska, Adrianna and Cichocki, Jan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Despite being among the smallest provinces in Poland, Lubuskie Province shows a relatively high diversity of natural resources and the highest forest cover in the country (49.7%). There occur many taxa among protected plants, fungi, and animals that are unique at European level. Of the 105 species of mammals known in Poland, 70 were recorded in Lubuskie Province.}, abstract={The list includes protected species, game species, and the unprotected ones. However, the unprotected species are by no means worthless or unimportant. Certain species have unfortunately become extinct in recent times in this area. All mammals are subject to anthropopressure to a certain degree and some of them are seriously endangered due to unfavourable environmental changes.}, abstract={The threats are mainly due to global civilisational processes, but in some cases, the reasons are the local specificity and natural and economic conditions in western Poland. The necessity for nature conservation, including mammals, is becoming increasingly appreciated in the society.}, abstract={Nevertheless, the rapid changes require constant verification of unfavourable factors threatening the mammal fauna of the Lubuskie and clearly defined recommendations for the protection of these animals in the region.}, title={Problemy ochrony ssaków (mammalia) w województwie lubuskim = Issues in the conservation of mammals (mammalia) in Lubuskie Province}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Ziemia Lubuska, ochrona zwierząt, zagrożenia, monitoring, edukacja, animal protection, animal conservation, Lubuskie Province, endangerment, education}, }