@misc{Chudecka_Justyna_Ocena, author={Chudecka, Justyna and Tomaszewicz, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of this work was evaluation of rusty soil, which were fallowed in the early 90s, as forest habitat made based on the indexes of forest soil trophism index (ITGL) and soil site index (SIG) with using criteria proposed by Brożek (2001) and Brożek et al. (2008). Investigated rusty soils with VI quality class are located within the sandr plain in the village Ginawa in the province of West Pomerania. The values of ITGL and SIG, helped to determine them as mixed forest habitat, and in one case even the forest.}, title={Ocena porolnych gleb rdzawych jako siedliska leśnego na podstawie indeksu trofizmu gleb leśnych (ITLG) i siedliskowego indeksu glebowego (SIG) = The evaluation of rusty soils as forest habitat on the base of forest soil trophism index (ITLG) and soil site index (SIG)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zalesianie, gleby rdzawe, uziarnienie, właściwości chemiczne, indeks trofizmu gleb leśnych (ITGL), siedliskowy indeks glebowy (SIG), forestation, rusty soils, texture, chemical properties, forest soil trophism index (ITGL), soil site index (SIG)}, }