@misc{Hrut_Kamila_Wpływ, author={Hrut, Kamila and Kamizela, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={At this work, the changes in the susceptibility to dehydration of sludge conditioned with dual chemical method, in relation to the flocculation conditions and the dose of polyelectrolyte, were described.}, abstract={The results show that the sludge, were subjected to 24 hours of degassed prior to the application of coagulant characterized by a greater susceptibility to dewatering, than sludge which have undergone 24 hours of flocculation with coagulant. The use of the dual conditioning methods allowed halve the doses of polyelectrolyte, compared with the doses used in practice in sewage treatment plants.}, title={Wpływ warunków flokulacji na podatność na odwadnianie osadów kondycjonowanych dualną metodą chemiczną = The effect of flocculation conditions on the susceptibility to dewatering of sludge conditioned with dual chemical method}, type={artykuł}, keywords={komunalne osady ściekowe, dualne kondycjonowanie, podatność na odwanianie, warunki flokulacji, municipal sewage sludge, dual conditioning, susceptibility to dehydrating, flocculation}, }