@misc{Domanowska_Monika_Ogrody, author={Domanowska, Monika and Kostecki, Jakub}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Rain gardens can be described as one of the tools for increasing the use of natural resources in the cities. Foreign experience (here for example. Experience of the Australian Association of Melbourne Waters, which is engaged in promoting knowledge of building and maintaining rain gardens) indicate that public space in cities can and should be the emoluments of rain gardens. These gardens are designed to pre-treatment of rainwater and runoff from paved surfaces in the city (roads, squares, roofs) and increase biological surfaces in cities.}, abstract={Beyond that in addition to the cleansing function can also be used to arrange more attractive public space. One of the assumptions of the concept of ecosystem services is that these services also result in financial benefits (direct and indirect). The article describes the profits that are derived from the use of rain gardens in the city. Profits associated with reducing water consumption for irrigation of urban green areas. Paper describes also the types of rain gardens and method of their construction.}, title={Ogrody deszczowe w miastach jako jedno z narzędzi wdrażania usług ekosystemów = Rain gardens in cities as one of the tools of ecosystem services implementation}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ogrody deszczowe, usługi ekosystemów, usługi ekosystemów w miastach, zasoby przyrodnicze miasta, rain gardens, ecosystem services, ecosystem services in the city, natural resources of the city}, }