@misc{Daszkiewicz_Jędrzej_Ocena, author={Daszkiewicz, Jędrzej and Goliński, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Aim of this study is evaluation of red deer foraging activity on renovated mid-forest meadows using different methods. Research, carried out on experimental sites, showed, that most of grazing activity of animals falls on areas renovated by full tillage method combined with sowing of specialised seed mixtures.}, abstract={Relative low effect occurs by using of oversowing method. Foraging activity on control areas was very low, this allow to conclude that sward of this mid-forest meadows didn?t fulfil nutritional needs of red deer.}, title={Ocena aktywności żerowej "cervus elaphus" na zrewitalizowanych łąkach śródleśnych na podstawie analizy intensywności zgryzania runi = Evaluation of "cervus elaphus" foraging activity on revitalised mid-forest meadows based on analysis of sward browsing intensity}, type={artykuł}, keywords={jeleń europejski, łąki śródleśne, renowacja runi, aktywność żerowa, intensywność zgryzania runi, red deer, mid-forest meadows, sward renovation, foraging activity, sward browsing intensity}, }