@misc{Gilewska_Mirosława_Rekultywacja, author={Gilewska, Mirosława and Otremba, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Kleczew commune is located in the eastern part of Wielkopolska in the district of Konin. In the municipality since 1965 is conducted lignite mining by KWB "Konin", now PAK KWB Konin SA On the surface about 2 000 ha (18% of the municipalities) was formed new sculpture area, including the highest point in the village (+129 m a.s.l.) called the Hill Kleczew. New soil cover is a conglomerate found in the overburden tills, mainly glacial boulder clay Warta, Quaternary sands, clays occasionally Pliocene.}, abstract={The dominant direction is the rehabilitation of agricultural reclamation. As expected, the local community about 404 hectares of inner dumping ground Jóźwin II A earmarked for the remediation of recreation. The focal point of this area was to be a ski slope, hight of 70 m, located on a Hill Kleczew - Malta Bis.}, abstract={Beside formed a plot for an amphitheater, motorcross track a golf course, a water tank. On the northern edge of the town Kleczew was built on an area of about 50 hectares of park and recreation landscape "green lungs".}, abstract={With the planned reclamation and revitalization created "Park of Recreation and Physical Activity" of the area. 40.5 hectares. The remainder of the land is subject to secondary degradation through poludification and invasion of sea buckthorn. Part was sold and changed its destiny.}, title={Rekultywacja i rewitalizacja gruntów pogórniczych na przykładzie gminy Kleczew = Reclamation and revitalization of post-mining land on the example of Kleczew}, type={artykuł}, keywords={eksploatacja, rzeźba powierzchni, rekultywacja rekreacyjna, wtórna degradacja, opencast use, sculpture of area, recreational reclamation, secondary degradation}, }