@misc{Krzaklewski_Wojciech_Charakterystyka, author={Krzaklewski, Wojciech and Pietrzykowski, Marcin and Likus, Justyna and Pająk, Marek and Twaróg, Alicja}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The soil and vegetation in area reclaimed and left the succession were researched on the post-mining areas KS Grzybów. There was not detected the phytotoxic sulfation of soils. Plant communities composition were different for both categories. The communities appeared in the way of succession should be complementary in the forest reclamation process because of their bigger diversity.}, title={Charakterystyka wybranych właściwości gleb i zbiorowisk roślinnych na terenach rekultywowanych i pozostawionych sukcesji po byłej Kopalni Siarki "Grzybów" = Characteristic of selected soil properties and plant communities on reclaimed sites and sites left for succession on postexploitation areas of Grzybów Sulfur Mine}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kopalnia, rekultywacja, siarka, zalesienia, sukcesja, mine, sulfur, reclamation, afforestation, succession}, }