@misc{Kleszcz_Justyna_Zespół, author={Kleszcz, Justyna and Kozłowska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The article deals with the issue of architecture as a form of knowledge transition of cultural continuity of a certain area basing on the example of a project: "Agrotourismo with equestrian center in Drzonków". The study was devoted to the design of agrotouristic hub with an equestrian center for 14 horses, at the site of a former equestrian complex, in a place which has recently become a part of Zielona Góra.}, abstract={The concept posits complementing functional gaps in the area, by creating a recreation resort offering riding lessons, cooperating with the Regional Center for Sport and Recreation named by Zbigniew Majewski in Drzonkow (WOSiR).}, title={Zespół agroturystyczny w Drzonkowie, jako dyskurs nad znaczeniem tradycji miejsca = Agrotourimo with equestrian center in Drzonków, as a discours on land tradition}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ośrodek jeździecki, Drzonków, stajnia, pensjonat, budownictwo wiejskie, horse riding center, stables, riding school, agroturismo}, }