@misc{Kiec_Olgierd_Piła, author={Kiec, Olgierd}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Eastern territories of Prussia with its large Polish population, where widely known in the 19 century as "Eastern March" (Ostmark). Poznań (Posen) was regarded as the informal capital of the Ostmark. The Treaty of Versailles granted the Prussian provinces Posen and Westpreussen to Poland, but small parts of both provinces remained in Germany.}, abstract={In the new borderland a province Grenzmark Posen-Westpreussen was created with the capital in Schneidemuhl (Piła). Frankfurt/Oder, the capital of the Regierungsbezirk in the province Brandenburg, presented itself as a capital of the Mittlere Ostmark, the new geographical region in the German East. Both cities preserved traditions of Posen and tried to achieve the position of the main German centre in the eastern borderland between Pomerania and Silesia.}, title={Piła (Schneidemühl ) czy Frankfurt nad Odrą? Spór o nową stolicę niemieckiej Marchii Wschodniej (Ostmark) w latach 1919-1939 = Piła (Schneidemühl ) or Frankfurt /Oder? The controversy about the new capital of the German Ostmark 1919-1939}, type={artykuł}, keywords={czasopismo, czasopismo akademickie, Ziemie Zachodnie, stosunki polsko-niemieckie, pogranicze polsko-niemieckie, historia}, }